Event Support

Branded merchandise and events have always gone hand in hand — we’re all familiar with merch stands at gigs, comfort packs handed out at the finish line of a run, and conference attendee packs filled with note-taking essentials.  It’s a simple but effective way to reinforce brand messages, increase awareness, and help make lasting impressions that live on long after the event.

This interaction with existing and potential customers is a highly valuable opportunity and not one to be overlooked - from how you present your stand to memorable giveaways, great merchandise is as much of an event essential as the team that staff your stand.

We’ve put together a list of branded merchandise tips to help you plan your next successful exhibition event appearance.

Stand Dressing

Your attendance at an event boils down to needing one thing: getting customers to visit your stand. A well-dressed stand will encourage visitors to approach your team enabling them to begin conversations.  Regardless of your position at the show, make sure your stand is on brand, can be identified from afar, and presents a professional appearance from the first customer to the last.

Product Ideas: branded tablecloths, banners, table top materials, wall graphics, appropriate lighting.

Tips: your stand should be immediately identifiable to visitors - don’t hide logos or products.

Branded Giveaways

Who doesn’t enjoy a little freebie?  Make sure that any visitors to your stand are rewarded with a souvenir; literally taking a piece of your brand, and their show experience, away with them.  Did you know that recipients will keep branded merchandise if it is [1] useful (85%), [2] enjoyable (44%), or [3] stylish (43%)! Find out more

Product Ideas: personalised notebooks, cotton shopping bags, water bottles, charge cables, sweets etc.

Tips: useful is a key trait – ensure your merchandise is kept for as long as possible with an item that is perceived to be useful.

Staff Appearance

To your customers, the team working on your stand are your brand for the duration of the event.  You must take the opportunity to make the right first impression, and an important part of this is approachability.  Make sure they can be identified as working for your brand (e.g. lanyards, name badges), dressed as a team (e.g. branded shirts/polo shirts), and above all, greet customers with a smile and positive attitude.

Product Ideas: shirts/t-shirts/polo shirts, lanyards, badges, caps, aprons etc.

Tips: Stay on brand - can customers identify you by your main brand colour(s) from a distance?


Encourage more people to stop by your standby creating an entertaining reason to do so.  This can help keep customers on your stand for longer, and perhaps encourage visitors to share their experience on social media.

Product Ideas: fairground games, branded photo frames, guess & win competitions, branded refreshments.

Tips: a great opportunity to talk about your key messages more informally.

Follow Up

Be sure to follow up after the event to show your appreciation to everyone that visited your stand.  It’s an opportunity to reintroduce your team, announce your competition winner, share behind the scenes content, reconfirm key messages, and so much more.

Ideas: email communication, social media posts, blog post, trade advertorial etc.

Trick: keep it relevant - don’t undo hard work by overloading your audience with irrelevant content.

We can help make your upcoming events a success with creative event ideas.

Let’s talk about how we can support you with amazing merchandise and event supplies - get in touch with us to discuss your project.


If you’d like to discuss creating amazing Pride products for your business, get in touch with us to discuss your requirements.


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