More joy. Less junk. A better, brighter future for our partners, our people and our planet.
In an industry that comes with a reputation of excess. we are ensuring our impact on the world is for the better. It's why we put sustainability at the heart of every decision we make, every product we design and every supplier we partner with.
ISO 9001
ISO 27001
ISO 50001
ISO 14001
single-use plastic
We are taking every opportunity to reduce the amount of plastic used in our products, packaging and shipping.
Publish annual report
In our annual sustainability report, we will fully explain our efforts, achievements and commitments to sustainability.
Achieve carbon
neutral logistics
With a goal of carbon neutrality by 2023, we are prioritizing sustainable materials in our products and their transportation using carbon neutral options.
Reduce Scope 1 and 2 carbon footprints
We are working to reduce our Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions by 50% by 2030. We’re also one of the few companies in our industry to calculate our indirect Scope 3 emissions.
A dedicate global sustainability team
We are placing top talent in each of our locations to directly influence our teams, suppliers and clients in working towards a more sustainable future. As we lead the industry forward, these teams are driving the sustainable strategy of the company with their knowledge of eco-friendly materials, products and packaging.
Use renewable energy
100% of Brand Addition owned locations source electricity from renewable sources. By either using renewable energy tariffs or acquiring Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) to cover electricity consumption in areas where options are limited.
Make packaging, recyclable, recycled
or biodegradable
In our directly operated logistics centres, we are using planet-friendly alternatives to reduce waste and reach our goal by 2023.
Send zero waste
to landfills
As we work with more sustainable materials, products and partners, we are confident in our journey to zero waste by 2030.

Earth Day 2024.
We donated 1% of profits from 22-26 April 2024 to Take3ForTheSea, a non-profit organization that cleans plastic pollution from Australia’s coasts.
5 Brand Addition sites participated in local waterway cleanup and volunteering events.
30 clients participated in the Global campaign with Intel matching Brand Addition’s donation for their portion of sales.
Thanks to our campaign donation, Take3ForTheSea will clean up over 221,000 pieces of plastic from Australia’s coastlines.
With bold goals come bold actions. Here is what we’ve achieved on our path to a more sustainable future for all:
To reduce the use of single-use plastics in our supply chain, we’ve made changes to the way we package products in our logistics centres and warehouses.
• 100% recyclable and FSC-certifed outer packaging
• 70% recycled cartons
• 100% recyclable paper bags, void fillers and stickers
• 80% reduction in plastic packaging at Manchester site
From the beginning of our design process, we look ahead to the end life of a product, so we can make sustainable decisions and implement a circular economy approach.
Our primary carrier, DHL Express, provides a GOGREEN Carbon Dashboard that helps measure and manage carbon emissions across our distribution supply chain with detailed CO2 mapping available from a web-based hub. The dashboard can account for carbon emissions associated with third parties outside our main carriers' network, to provides a detailed breakdown of our carbon footprint.
Through our internal vendor assessments, we prioritize suppliers that have sustainability at the core of their business and have internationally recognised third party certifications, social and environmental audits.
We’ve partnered with Tree Nation, an internationally verified carbon offsetting program. We’re working with the organization to offset our Scope 1 and 2 emissions through community projects in Nicaragua that benefit livelihoods and enhance ecosystems protecting biodiversity.
We’ve created sustainability champions in our offices, warehouses and logistics centers to drive and monitor our goals and initiatives. These teams act as a catalyst for change by identifying new needs and driving future initiatives.
Make an impact with
a lighter footprint.
Let’s work together reduce waste and spread joy.